Sunday 25 May 2014

Benefits of ALMONDS

Benefits of ALMONDS
Raw almonds and almond oil is considered most effective for the brain. Having a few almonds everyday helps in improving memory and concentration, especially in children. It is also believed to make children sharp and active.

Almonds help in maintaining proper levels of cholesterol by increasing the level of HDL and decreasing the level of LDL. This helps in prevention of a majority of heart diseases.

Benefits of almonds for skin are particularly popular. Including almonds in the diet helps in having a supple skin. On the other hand, applying almond oil directly on the skin also helps in having a smooth and healthy skin.

Sweet almond oil benefits also include treatment and prevention of dry and cracked skin. This oil is also popularly applied to baby's skin.

The mono saturated fats found in almonds are good for heart health. The mono saturated fats along with antioxidants also help in prevention of heart diseases.

One of the other almonds health benefits is that it helps in maintaining a proper blood pressure and indirectly helps in prevention of diseases caused due to high blood pressure.

Almonds contain folic acid, which is one of the most important nutrient to prevent birth defect in pregnancy. Benefits of almonds during pregnancy also include its use in the treatment of constipation, which is commonly seen during pregnancy.

The organic almond milk contain less amounts of calories and hence, can be consumed by people on a diet. Almond milk is also claimed to help in quick weight loss.

There are also several benefits of almond oil for hair. It is used to treat dryness of hair and prevent it from being coarse and thereby, it stops hair fall.

Lastly, benefits of soaking almonds in water also include its use in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, inflammation and stomach disorders.

As Antioxidants
33% of the daily requirement of Vitamin E (which comprises a fat-soluble antioxidant) required by the body, can be made up by taking one ounce of almonds. That is the reason they are considered rich source of Vitamin E. So by inculcating just one ounce of almonds in your daily diet, you can get the essential amount of antioxidants in your body and prevent the onset of several chronic diseases.

For Lowering LDL Cholesterol
One of the most important health benefits of eating almonds is taking care of the 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol in the body. Almonds are high-fat food, but containing monounsaturated fats, which are health-promoting fats. These fats are associated with reduced risk of heart diseases. In certain studies, it was revealed that when almonds were combined with a healthy diet, the benefits were additive.

For Weight Loss
One smart way for weight loss is to include almonds in your daily diet. These nuts are high in fiber and protein, and help to keep you feel fuller for a longer time. So till it is lunch or dinner time, you would not feel the need or temptation of munching on those unhealthy 'fast foods'. So, keep some of these healthy nuts at your workplace and enjoy eating them instead of any fries or cookies. Medical experts say that a diet including almonds or other nuts is less likely to cause weight gain than one without nuts.

Rich in Magnesium and Potassium
Magnesium is required by the body for undisturbed blood circulation, and improved flow of oxygen, and several nutrients throughout the body. Most cases of heart attacks are associated with a deficiency in this important mineral. So, a quarter-cup of almonds is good enough to make up for about 25% of the daily requirement of magnesium. Potassium is another substance which the body needs for keeping processes such as nerve functioning and muscle contraction running smoothly. Normal blood pressure and proper heart function is thus, dependent on an adequate quantity of this mineral. A quarter cup of almonds contain 257 mg of potassium, and it beefs up your defense against severe conditions like high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

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